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MDHS Photo Contest 2023 ** Check Back Later for Details

At this time there may not be a photo contest in 2023 as we don't have anyone to take a lead on this project. If you are interested please let us know, all our activities are run by members who volunteer their time. We encourage you to take photos both for your own enjoyment and with the possibility of submitting them later in the year for the contest. The Chairperson of the Photo Contest sets the categories for the contest. At this time we don't know the 2023 categories.

Criteria in the event there is a contest: Each photo must be taken by a member (unless otherwise noted) and must include horticultural elements. Two entries allowed in each category.

Photos can be submitted as a digital (.jpg) file in “actual size” format sent by email to or in hard copy (4” x 6”) at the September meeting. Please include your name and contact information (phone number or email address) with your photos.

Details for entries will be posted if they become available.

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We’re an enthusiastic group of individuals brought together by a common passion. Have a look at what we’ve got coming up, and if you’re interested in joining the Milton & District Horticultural Society simply get in touch today.

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