Come and learn more about planting in smaller gardens
Dugald Cameron
Sep 15, 2025
Milton Sports Centre, 605 Santa Maria Blvd, Milton, ON L9T 6J5, Canada

Together with my wife & father I founded and ran the mail order nursery Gardenimport from1983 to 2014. We specialized in the introduction of many new herbaceous perennials, bulbs,seeds, vines and shrubs to Canadian gardeners from coast to coast. During this time, we established close connections with many of the world's leading hybridizers and nurserymen.I have taught courses on a variety of subjects at the Toronto Botanical Garden where I was on the board of directors for 13 years and continue to volunteer there. I’ve taught at the OHAJudges courses, Master Gardener technical updates and spoken to many horticultural societies in southern Ontario for over 25 years, sat in for Ed Lawrence on CBC’s Ontario Today and was the founding president of the Greater Toronto Bulb Society.
We’re an enthusiastic group of individuals brought together by a common passion. Have a look at what we’ve got coming up, and if you’re interested in joining the Milton & District Horticultural Society simply get in touch today.